Tuesday 2 December 2008


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B J Millenniu Marker

For those interested in the geographic location of B J village it is Latitude 52 degrees 58 Minutes N - Longitude 1 degree 1 minute 60 W
The changing of the 1900<2000>
B J village was no exception and the result can be seen in the above images
The village “Millennium Marker” is quite novel, attractive, not over stated, yet significant and memorable. The plaques mounted to the front of the “Marker” are most informative and relevant.
Whilst admiring once again the B J “Millennium“Marker” this last week (with an intention of creating a photographic record), a local mature couple from the village, ( I recognised them both together as being villagers of many years standing) came over and took-up a conversation me
“Very tasteful and relevant !” was their initial comment , .. .. ..

After a quiet moment or two .. .. the question arose
“ Why was there a need to add that small plaque on the back” ? -
Aah! Mmm! Yes! .. was the answer as I recall ..
It was suggested that a Time Capsule had been enclosed in the structure, did this contain a listing of ALL the residents in the three villages at the turn of the century ?

Useful Village contact points
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