Saturday 20 December 2008


Chronicles everyday life in the Nottinghamshire village
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious

Social responsibility
Imagine that you are in a country thousands of miles away and you want to contact someone or a particular group organisation in Burton Joyce and you do not have a name, a particular contact, address, telephone - What would you do? How would you establish an approach.
Well assume you do have an e mail address and access to the www/Internet.
First of all you would “log on” to the Internet and enter search words ie Burton Joyce plus other relevant words ( family name, interest etc) in the search box, then wait a few seconds for the magic of the Search engines ( “Google” , “Live Search” “Yahoo” etc ) to do their work
You will now become confronted with page upon page of various results - sometimes relevant, sometimes not relevant, some of the results will be definitely “out of date” and of no use whatsoever, others mayl be of interest but of no immediate use to you. There will also be numerous listings of websites administrated by opportunistic operators who own sites with vague connections to Burton Joyce and be supplemented with commercial adverts
There may well not be a "search result" that answers your particular need. You may well decide that there is nothing or no one specific listing which answers your need, be it general, specific, genealogical, historical or social etc. This may in no way the result of your own shortcomings . or a lack of precise information -

“No” it is very likely the shortcoming is the in-ability, or more frequently the resistance, of the individuals in Burton Joyce to provide details to the Search Engines on the Internet as a world wide contact source.
I can accept that if there are issues of confidentiality (which over-ride all the obvious benefits of Internet communication) . However, I still cannot understand, why certain groups and individuals in Burton Joyce continue with their resistance and personal opposition to accepting the inevitable - the progress, benefits, and advantages available to all by embracing the www/Internet
I simply cannot understand the logic behind any resistance to accepting a modern communication facility such as the www/Internet which enables an individual to establish visual contact, send messages in text or audio to friends, relatives, business contacts, similar interest groups and establishments etc., etc..

This method of communication to and from ones own home or establishment to, anywhere in the world, which has an Internet access/service - is available NOW to everyone with access to a telephone.
Having www/Internet access, together with an e mail address, is tremendously useful to individuals and organisations, for it provide so many communication benefits and advantages . In my opinion and that of many other, the resistance to embracing this revolutionary communication medium shows a complete lack of social responsibility and a total mis-understanding of the benefits. The effective and widespread advantages which has already provided positive result to millions worldwide have been delivered by the www/Internet

OK ! Right! Now lets assume you live locally in Nottingham OR even here in Burton Joyce itself. I will wager that you become just as frustrated as I do when individuals or groups, almost within touching distance are difficult or even un-contactable - other than by physically treading the pavements of the village.
When will they embrace e-mail
and provide information via the www/internet ?

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