Wednesday 26 November 2008

Village Eyesore

“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

The Village Eyesore
After reporting on unsightly Graffiti "presumably the work of the village youth". I must add balance and report again on this eyesore within the village centre which without presumption is the work (or lack of) the village adults.

***On Thursday 20th November I reported again on this continuing mess. (the previously named “Burton Joyce Blog“.) .. So without apologises here it is once again.. ..

When will those responsible for the upkeep of this patch take the “bull by the horns” and get this unsightly mess in the centre of the village tidied up and “in keeping” with the preferred appearance of our village -
-Shame on you who have responsibility for this “oversight“.
Shame on those who have accountability for ensuring and maintaining a tidy and attractive village .Once again is this the attitude which contributes to why we did not win an Attractive Village Award this year?
Why must we accept that this particular area in our village centre be allowed to remain in this untidy, overgrown, eye sore condition for such an extended period ?.

Why should this situation be allowed to exist? Particularly as the BCTV is located in the Village Old School alongside.

PERHAPS IT NEEDS SOMEONE WITH INITIATIVE ? Oh dear me! Initiative appears to be in short supply of late .. .. ..

One reader’s online comments to that report
Re: The unsightly and unhealthy mess in the Village Centre.I agree it is a mess and the Parish Council should have done something about it long ago. A while ago I saw a dead RAT in the gutter near the Old School. Certainly road kill, but I wonder where it came from?The 'mess' is next to the Church Hall where a playgroup meets regularly. I bet quite a few people would be disturbed it they thought their child was playing on the drive up to the hall whilst RATS were playing nearby !!!The Conservationalists need to look in their own back yard!

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