Thursday 27 November 2008

Click Chat

Autumn on the Old Grimsby Road- BJ

“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

"Click Chat !”

For all those who Want to.. Need to.. Like to.. Chat to and discuss with others within our 3 villages -
on any topic - serious, amusing or contentious,
Come on all of you join your ONLINE community, for if you are reading this "blog" you have already begun the process, so continue and “Click Chat” with others within this “Burton Joyce Online” website

Please spread the word to everyone who may be interested in chatting and gossiping ( local subjects, history, incidents etc) and improving the lifestyle of our community, particularly that of the "mature and silver heads" amongst us.
It is a fact that quite frequently, as we all get older, we find we become less mobile and lack the personal " get-up and go" to socialise with others of our generation. We loose contact and become more isolated and withdraw within ourselves. A regular "Click Chat" on this website will begin to change this frame of mind and help with making new friends and socialising again.
“Burton Joyce Online” can in fact “kick start" a new and enjoyable interest in your life, more so for those who are house bound and less mobile. Of course a computer and internet service is vital to Click Chat, however, for those who are mobile there is always the free access to computers and the internet (together with instruction) at the B J Library in Meadow Lane. For the others less fortunate amongst us, we shall have to attempt to remidy the situation somehow
So come on begin a regular “Click Chat” routine on this your local website
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