Monday 1 December 2008

BJ Congestion

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Village centre congestion

“Manners maketh the man“ ! !-
A saw an nice act of respect and gallantry, by an elderly gentleman, in B J village centre the other day. There was a young mother having a little difficulty with her shopping and her youngster, probably 3 years old or so, crossing across a busy Main St.. There were several cars around and others parked nearby restricting all pedestrians vision. Plus a "Southwell bound" bus, parked and off loading passengers in front of the Post Office
This mature gentleman, who had just crossed Main St from the Co-op Car Park , realised the situation and immediately went to the lady's assistance - then taking the hand of the youngster he guided them both, back across the road, navigating the traffic which was passing both ways, and into the Co-op Car park (from where he had just come). He then crossed Main St for the third time, to get back on his own way to the Post office

- .. gallantry and consideration for others .. par excellance!
It was this example of courtesy and respect for others that prompted me to begin to compile a list both serious and amusing, which exemplifies just what makes someone a "Gentleman".
Keep a look out for this in future reports
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